Electric Blue Acara
Electric Blue Acara is a beautiful Cichlid that thrives in a large aquarium with good water quality. They really stand out from the crowd because of the bright blue body. They are a great addition to a community American Cichlid tank of similar size.
Please be aware that the image is for illustration purposes only.- Approx. size: 5 cm
- Maximum size: 20cm
- Origin: South America
- Ideal number kept together: 5+
Water conditions
pH: 6.5–8.0
Hardness: 3-20 dGH
Temperature: 23–30 °C
Ease of care
Easy. They are a hardy Cichlid so are not difficult to keep.
They can have anything from flake, granules, live and frozen foods. The live food will help with colouration.
Community aquarium of similar sized American Cichlids. They will be aggressive when breeding.
Breeding/ Sex
Moderate in the right water conditions with a flat surface for laying the eggs. Males are brighter and larger.
Life Span
They can live to anything from 5-8 years in perfect conditions.
Electric Blue Acara 4-5cm Cichlid
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