The celestial pearl danio (CPD) is a delightful nano fish often sought by aquascapers because they look like miniature brook trout swimming amid a forest of plants and driftwood. Their beauty and elegance seem to automatically elevate any tank they live in. However, they sometimes get the reputation for being shy fish that are easy to stress. Find out how to care for these enchanting creatures and make them feel right at home.
What are Celestial Pearl Danios?
Danio margaritatus goes by many common names, such as galaxy rasbora and celestial pearl danio, because of the striking golden spots scattered on their dark bodies. They grow up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long and feature bright, red-orange fins with black striping. Discovered in 2006, they come from Southeast Asia and live in shallow waters with dense vegetation.
How many celestial pearl danios should be kept together? As a schooling fish, they feel most comfortable in large groups so that they can more easily elude predators, find food, and breed. The rule of thumb for schooling fish is to get at least six fish of the same species, but we strongly suggest buying 10–15 CPDs since they can be a bit timid.
Are celestial pearl danios aggressive? No, CPDs are peaceful nano fish that do well with other community fish. However, they are still danios, which are known for chasing each other to establish dominance or display breeding behavior. Not to worry — while they may do some fin nipping amongst their own species, they rarely go after other tank mates.
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