ADULT GRADE A 1.5CMThis Red Fancy Tiger Grade A is a crossbreeding of bee shrimp (Caridina logemanni) and tiger shrimp (Caridina mariae). For this reason the Fancy Tiger is called Caridina sp. This breeding form does not occur in nature, it was bred specifically in the aquarium. Bee Shrimp and Tiger Shrimp originally live in southern China in cool, clean streams with soft water rich in oxygen. Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp have been known and popular in the aquarium hobby for several years. Here you buy a red and white colored single animal of Grade A, which means that the animal has transparent spots in its cover color. The offspring of Grade A shrimp can develop higher color coverage through careful breeding selection.
The Red Fancy Tiger dwarf shrimp grows unto 2 inches in size. The Grade A has transparent areas, a white base color that the animal inherited from the bee shrimp, and a red pattern that varies greatly depending on the shrimp, showing on the one hand the heritage of the bee shrimp and showing parts of the typical classic Red Bee pattern, and on the other hand also the thinner tiger stripes that the Fancy Tiger inherited from Caridina mariae. Sexually mature females of the Red Fancy Tiger shrimp Grade A have a rounder, beefier shape and they also grow larger than the thinner males. Some Fancy Tiger females develop what is known as a tiger scoop, in them the second segment of the abdomen is widened downward in a scoop shape. The egg spot, by which females can be clearly and easily recognized, is usually not visible under the cover color.
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