Weather Loaches can grow large, and as a very active species, require a spacious tank - an aquarium that measures 4ft long would be considered the absolute minimum. Although this species has been known to cope with spells in adverse water conditions, this should not be considered the norm (or an excuse to cut corners); indeed these magnificent fish should be provided with well-aerated, clean water at all times. They are highly sociable creatures and should be maintained in groups of 3 or more. The substrate should consist of fine sand in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area from damage, and also to aid the fish in its regular burrowing activities. Bogwood and caves should be provided so that the fish have shady areas to retreat to when they feel the need. The aquarium should also have a tight fitting hood, as they are accomplished escape artists. Weather Loaches are peaceful by nature and can be housed with a huge variety of other peaceful fishes which live in the same temperature range, and which are not bothered by the activeness of this species. Some specimens even become quite tame, investigating their owners hands when the tank is being cleaned, or even taking food from them at feeding time. Weather Loaches have gained their common name from the sudden bursts of erratic behaviour observed during bouts of low atmospheric pressure, in effect making them living barometers. This species is the only member of the Misgurnus genus permitted for sale and keeping in the UK.
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